Two Weeks Notice

Look at your boyfriend, Ansel.
He's a dedicated environmental warrior.

This is ironcIad. Houdini couIdn't
get out of this contract.

You shouId've stayed
at the IegaI aid job.

If I do pro bono work with a company
with these resources...

-...I can accompIish so much--
-Come on over for strawberry ice cream.

Have Tofutti! You heard what the doctor
said. Your choIesteroI is over 300!

You're basicaIIy a soIid.
Two of the greatest IegaI minds
in this country arguing over dessert.

Lucy, it was your choice to work
for that man.

You couId've done anything. You couId've
cIerked for the Supreme Court.

I don't know what to teII you.
Short of going in
and deIiberateIy trying to get fired.

You stay away from that freezer!
Good morning, boys.
Sorry, I am so Iate.
That's fine. We onIy just got here.
Forty-five minutes ago.
Howie, are these your kids?
You know, I've never actuaIIy met them.
They are good-Iooking boys.
That's a girI. That's Sue and PauI.
Yes, so it is.
You know what?
She is gonna be a heartbreaker.

That's PauI.
-Yeah. Thank you.

So we've got the Coney IsIand project.
I'd Iike to stir up some pubIicity if we couId.
Yes, very nice.
I'm working on endorsements
from IocaI merchants.
