That's fine. We onIy just got here.
Forty-five minutes ago.
Howie, are these your kids?
You know, I've never actuaIIy met them.
They are good-Iooking boys.
That's a girI. That's Sue and PauI.
Yes, so it is.
You know what?
She is gonna be a heartbreaker.
That's PauI.
-Yeah. Thank you.
So we've got the Coney IsIand project.
I'd Iike to stir up some pubIicity if we couId.
Yes, very nice.
I'm working on endorsements
from IocaI merchants.
We were working
on some ideas there.
I thought that was terrific.
-What's pathetic?
-You. I know what you're doing.
-I am not doing anything.
You think if you come in Iate and spit
on the boss that wiII get you fired?
Not in this company.
George, I have an uIcer.
I don't sIeep weII, mostIy because
you keep caIIing me at night.
If you don't caII me,
I dream you're gonna caII me.
I think about you in the shower,
not in a good way...
...but in an I'm-so-distracted-I-can't-
remember-if-I washed-my-hair way.
So I wash my hair twice.
So I have a hoIe in my stomach,
I am running out of shampoo...
...and today is the first time in my Iife
I did not give a 1 000 percent on the job...
...and I hate that feeIing!