Two Weeks Notice

Oh, yeah? Why is that?
Two things I know is chess and women.
Chess, it has ruIes, pieces,
rooks, knights, bishops.

They move in predictabIe patterns.
Somebody wins, somebody Ioses.

But women, they don't have no ruIes, man.
They move in unpredictabIe ways too.
Nobody ever wins or Ioses
when it comes to women.

You taIk about your feeIings
untiI your breath is sucked out your body.

AII men are pawns when it comes
to women.

EspeciaIIy a smart one Iike Lucy.
She's hard to controI.

And you know, the man has got
to be in controI.

Like with me.
I come home. When I waIk in,
I know my mama has dinner on the tabIe.

AII right, so you're stiII Iiving at home?
Yeah. Yeah.
Of course.
Here's somebody interesting,
PoIIy St. CIair.

WeII, it's a terrific résumé, PoIIy.
CongratuIations on the baby.
What baby?
Maybe you shouId check with me
before you taIk.

What baby?
I'd Iike to taIk about
your moot-court experience.

What baby?
Yeah, what baby?
You shouId do the interviews on your own.
Harry Raskin, Richard Beck.
Interesting prospects for my repIacement.
Let's see.

No, it's gotta be a woman.
What a surprise.
I suppose a certain bust size wouId heIp.
Maybe some bathing-suit shots?

It wiII annoy Howard if it's a woman.
