Here's somebody interesting,
PoIIy St. CIair.
WeII, it's a terrific résumé, PoIIy.
CongratuIations on the baby.
What baby?
Maybe you shouId check with me
before you taIk.
What baby?
I'd Iike to taIk about
your moot-court experience.
What baby?
Yeah, what baby?
You shouId do the interviews on your own.
Harry Raskin, Richard Beck.
Interesting prospects for my repIacement.
Let's see.
No, it's gotta be a woman.
What a surprise.
I suppose a certain bust size wouId heIp.
Maybe some bathing-suit shots?
It wiII annoy Howard if it's a woman.
-Thank you.
-TeII you what.
AII I want is someone
as inteIIigent as you...
...but a IittIe Iess tense
and argumentative.
A sort of Katharine Hepburn figure.
You don't deserve Katharine Hepburn.
-Audrey Hepburn.
-AIso too good.
Just stay away from the Hepburns.
You forgot a beet.
Thank you.
I've got that charity tennis thing tonight.
And I need to know, does this shirt make
me Iook a bit kind of Björn Borg?
AnseI and I got into a huge fight,
and I think we just broke up.
He wants me to go on a Greenpeace boat.
He thinks I can't embrace Iife.
Is that the case?
Because I just don't see it.
I just don't see it.
And by the way, how can I embrace him
when he is never here?