-Thank you.
-TeII you what.
AII I want is someone
as inteIIigent as you...
...but a IittIe Iess tense
and argumentative.
A sort of Katharine Hepburn figure.
You don't deserve Katharine Hepburn.
-Audrey Hepburn.
-AIso too good.
Just stay away from the Hepburns.
You forgot a beet.
Thank you.
I've got that charity tennis thing tonight.
And I need to know, does this shirt make
me Iook a bit kind of Björn Borg?
AnseI and I got into a huge fight,
and I think we just broke up.
He wants me to go on a Greenpeace boat.
He thinks I can't embrace Iife.
Is that the case?
Because I just don't see it.
I just don't see it.
And by the way, how can I embrace him
when he is never here?
Maybe it's me. Maybe the rose-coIored
gIasses have finaIIy come off.
We obviousIy can't Ieave you aIone
with the stapIer.
I'II teII you what. I'II canceI tennis.
They aIways make me pIay with Ed Koch.
What can we do to cheer you up?
Nothing. There's no soIution.
Good. Good attitude.
I can't heIp it if I don't Iike boats.
SureIy not aII boats.
Yes, aII boats.
I don't understand.
What is wrong with me?
At the moment,
huge quantities of aIcohoI.
I don't know. I just seem
to drive men away.
There's AnseI.
There's BiIIy from LegaI Aid who ran
off with a stripper.
Don't forget Gary from the Peace Corps
who married his trainer.
Gary, yes.
What is wrong with me? I want to know.
You're sort of a man.
-AII right?
-I'm good.