Directed by Kei Kumai
"That night, under a harvest moon...
"so bright it left no shade...
"the brothers went out...
"into the garden to play...
"and saw wild geese flying...
"to who knows where.
"Of those five wild geese...
"one must be the father...
"one the mother, and three their children.
"'You are the younger brother,
I am the elder...
"'and though our mother
is indeed our mother..."'
Let's close up.
There won't be any more customers tonight.
Where you going, samurai?
You're a good-looking guy, you know.
Let's have some fun.
Come on, why don't you?
Don't just walk by!
Could I come in...
and spend the night?
She seems to know you.
I've never been here before.
Come in, please.
This way.
Miss Kikuno! Someone to stay.