Umi wa miteita

Miss Kikuno, it's Emeritus.
Come in!
I'll drink here if you don't mind.
I'm chilled to the marrow of my bones.
I brought you all some sweet dumplings.
I'll have some sake heated for you.
Thank you for coming on a day like this.
Well, my house is on the river.
It's cool in summer, but freezing in winter.
And I'm all alone there now.
I was sitting at the brazier,
and I suddenly felt like coming here.

I thought you wouldn't be busy...
so we could all talk ourselves silly.
- I'll stay the night.
- Please do.

Go ahead.
They look so good!
Thank you.
I ran into that young samurai
in Kiba the other day.

I say "ran into."
We just passed each other on the street.
He's been here time and again
since that night.

But O-Shin says not to let him in.
What a waste!
Well, considering who he is...
that's best.
No matter if he loves O-Shin...
or she loves him back...
it could simply never be.
They're from different castes.
