Undercover Brother

The so called Afro Bandit
struck Multinational Bank.

However, it appears
no money was stolen.

Authorities questioned
singer Macy Gray,...

but she was released
for lack of evidence.

Well, would anybody
like to explain exactly...

what the hell happened
at the bank?!

His name is Undercover Brother.
Apparently, he was erasing
mortgage records...

so that low-income families
wouldn't lose their homes.

A "Soul Train" reject
with a Robin Hood complex.

Now I've heard everything.
- Hey, hey, hey, now.

At least he got the job done.
That's the kind of man we need around here.
- The keyword being "man"?

Hold on.
I didn't say that, you did.

The General's
press conference is starting!

We interrupt this broadcast
to take you live...

to a press conference
by General Warren Boutwell,...

in which he is expected
to announce...

that he is a candidate
for presidency of the United States.

I wonder if he'll run
as a Democrat or an Independent.

Never know. Might be a Republican.
- Oh, please.

What kind of self-respecting black
man would run as a Republican?

Name one thing the Republican party
has done for black people. One!

Well, they were
the party of Lincoln.

They stood against
the tyranny of oppression...

by leading the call
for the Civil War,...

and forced passage
of the Emancipation Proclamation,...

which freed the slaves.
All right,
name two things lately.

Damn it, it doesn't matter
what party!

This could be the first step
on the road to putting...

an African-American
in the White House.

It's a great day
for black people of all races.

Good morning.
- Think about it!

I've thought long and hard about how
I can best serve my country...

now that I'm no longer in uniform.
Well, today...
I am proud to announce...
that I will be...
opening a chain
of fried chicken restaurants.

General Boutwell!
