Great... come on!
Eivissa, 2 nights before full moon
Tiss Nijboer!
You can't get away from them!
Where are you from?
- Rotterdam.
You have to come. Ties Nijboer's on.
Friends, friends!
This is a historic night!
Look at Nijboer 1 and Nijboer 2!
Nijboer 1, the talented...
The one who chose his own way.
Tonight he'll be a star!
When he's famous,
you can say you saw him now.
''I was there that night!''
Nijboer 2...
...is a coward and when he dies...
...he won't have achieved anything in life.
But then you can say...
You could see that too.
I want another beer...
You want one?
Take three. Feels great.
Teach me to French kiss and
you can have them for free!
- No thanks.