What's so funny?
-I don't work anymore.
I stopped when my husband passed away.
5 years ago.
How about a spring roll?
-That would be just great.
That was just perfect, Hubert.
Thanks. It was no big deal.
First dinner in 2 years.
Time sure flies, huh?
Who taught you to cook like this, your ex?
I thought you only spent eight months with her.
-Believe me, you can learn a lot in eight months.
I believe you.
Will you call me a taxi?
-Right now?
Why do you look so surprised?
-I thought...
Now that we know eachother a bit better,
I thought you might want to stay here tonight.
I think I'll walk. It's nice weather.
A perfect ending
to a perfect evening.
Sofia, I don't understand.
You're very cute when you try so hard.
But you don't trust women.
It's not easy with women.
They leave me or break my heart.
I don't want to do either, Hubert.
All I want is to spend some time together.
That's love.
Not crying over someone who has
been gone for over twenty years.
Nineteen years.
-Nineteen years if you prefer.
If she really loved you she would still be here.
And you would have had beautiful children.
But she is gone and all she left were
a few memories and recipies.
Call me when your heart is free again.
I don't know how to cook.
But I do know how to please a man.
Our kids would be beautiful.