Not only that, you added six months.
Six months to my sentence.
Six months. Six months.
Who cares about six months?
I just got three fucking years, man!
I want my money back. Otherwise,
you're gonna die in this prison.
- Get out.
- Fine. I don't care.
I don't care about anything anymore.
What's the matter with you?
Come on. Prison is easy, you puss.
No. You don't understand.
I betrayed my brother.
Maybe he deserved it.
He's dying, you jackass!
My real brother, Bleeko, is dying.
Now he'll have to die alone.
Just last week he said to me...
He said, " Pero, be there for me
in the final moments...
...when death has me in its deadly grip.
Don't let me go it alone."
I swore to him I wouldn't,
but I betrayed him.
For a lousy 16 grand.
- You're a sick bastard.
- No, I'm not laughing at you.
I'm laughing at... You wanna hear
something gonna cheer you up?
You know that old building
on Chester Avenue?
- There's a million old buildings.
- The factory with the gold brick.
- What about it?
- It's not a flour factory anymore.
Half became apartments.
Guess what's on the other half?
I don't care.
- A jewelry shylock.
- So what?
So my cellmate, the bricklayer,
he split the building.