This Bellini is starting to look
like a real fucking Kapuchnick.
Watch your mouth!
Are you insane?
You trying to jinx us?
- Where are you going?
- To do the job.
Can we do the job
with only four of us?
At this point,
I don't give a good goddamn.
Wait a minute, here.
Let's calm down
and get our minds right.
Minds right? You're standing there
with a fucking butcher's knife.
- The girl, she's here! Out the window.
- Who?
- The chick, the maid. Out the window!
- Oh, my God!
- I'm not going out there.
- It's the only way. Go.
There's no place to go
once you get out except down!
Oh, my God!
- Carmela.
- Pero?
What a surprise.
How did you find...?
How did you know where to find me?
- Is this your place?
- No, this is much too modest for me.
This is my brother's place.
My brother Mico.
He's an artist. He likes the squalor.
- Hi, Mico. I'm Carmela.
- Hello, young woman.
I'd shake your hands,
but I'm inspecting these bottles.
What's the matter?
I'm afraid of...
I'm afraid of heights.
I wanted to tell you something.
I quit the old ladies tonight. Yeah.
- You'll find another job.
- You would've been so proud of me.
I never told you this before,
but they were really terrible to me.
The things they would make me do.
They're incontinent, for God's sakes.