But killing people who
don't want you is evil.
We pray for your redemption.
Fuck my redemption. I don't want it.
I regret nothing.
Attention. Visiting hours are over.
Visitors, return to the holding area.
It's good that you're trying
to identify evil, Astrid.
But evil is tricky.
Just when you think you know
what it is, it changes its form.
Learning its nature takes
a lifetime of study.
I will not lose you.
Not to them.
Those people are the enemy, Astrid.
-Visiting hours are over.
-Write to me.
-Time's up.
-Write to me...
-...at least once a week.
-I love you.
I'm the only person you know
who can keep you honest.
Don't forget who you are, Astrid.
You're my daughter
and you're perfect, remember?
How far away is it?
About a mile. Maybe two.
Shouldn't we pack up and go?
No, not yet. The wind's still in our favor.
My mother used to love fire season.