Everybody asks why I started at the endand worked back to the beginning.
The reason is simple.
I couldn't understand the beginninguntil I had reached the end.
There were too many piecesof the puzzle missing.
Too much she would never tell.
I could sell these things.People want to buy them.
But I'd set all this on fire first.
She'd like that.That's what she would do.
She'd make it just to burn it.
I couldn't afford this one, but thebeginning deserved something special.
But how do I show that nothing,not a taste...
...not a smell, not eventhe color of the sky...
...has ever been as clear and sharpas it was when I belonged to her.
I don't know how to express that beingwith someone so dangerous...
...was the last time that I felt safe.
The Santa Anas blew in hotfrom the desert that fall.
Only the oleanders thrived.
Maybe the wind was the reasonmy mother did what she did.