
- I will speak as I please.
- But I have a headache.

A herald can't turn his voice
into a nightingale's

just because
you've got a headache.

Mind you, I could have you
thrown out the window.

- And it's a long way down.
- There is no need.

- Is someone there?
- Please, don't bother.

You'll fly out of here
like a little feather. You four,

- wait behind the door!
- There's no need, my good neighbor.

Now I am listening.
Tell me...
Why are you here?
You're upset. I didn't know
you had such tender hearing.

Let me know
if I speak too loudly.

Will you finally tell me?
Right, right...
The Cupbearer politely requests...

So, the Cupbearer asks...
Or rather informs you...
that this unpleasant controversy
should be immediately ended.

Yes, I am putting this right...
the unpleasant controversy...

that is... well, this is...
A devil in his eyes
twists my tongue so.

I cannot understand
a word, sir. Speak plainly.

It's because... I mean...
Forgive me sir.
The wine was strong

and I am not
the best speaker...

- Those four still behind the door?
- So what does he want,

my good neighbor?
- The envoy is somewhat...
- Afraid?

Darling, you don't have to be.
