
I appreciate you bringing this to our
attention. My question to you is why?

I figure, no one likes cops
crashing their party.

I figure, I do you a solid,
we could talk.

I just want to buy cars, man.
Is this guy going to hump my leg?
What's your name?
Xander Cage.
I knew it.
You are amazing on snowboard,
motorbike, everything.

! You're awesome.
! Thank you, man.

My brother is crazy too,
and a great admirer of yours.

He has seen your tapes many times.
Now we can talk business.

This way, please.
Welcome to the Xander zone.
Now, that's funny. That's funny.
Sit down, Mr. Cage.
My friends call me X.
So, X, what exactly are you wanting?
Ferraris, high! End pasta rockets,
1 0 to start.

This car, number 1 0, will be very
difficult to find in Europe.

That one's for me. I put it in there
to get something out of the deal.

Well, you certainly know your cars.
Yeah. Cars, bikes, boards. You name it.
I like anything fast enough
to do something stupid in.

Ten cars is hardly worth the effort.
A lousy 1.5 million, U.S.

Now, hold on a second.
The American buyers I represent,
to them, 1 0 cars is an appetizer.

! And it's a mil max, sister.
! How about a million four?

I was thinking more like a mil two.
Do you know what a wire transfer is?
Is she for real?
