Can I think about it?
What are you doing?!
I heard you talking. I could tell
where you were in the room.
What are you doing with the lvans?
What's going on?
There's something I didn't
have the time to tell you.
I'm an agent as well.
I'm an agent for FSB,
Russian Intelligence.
You know, like your CIA.
! I've been undercover for two years.
! Two years?
What was your plan,
let them die of old age?
There was no plan.
A year ago, Intelligence gets
reorganized, I stop getting orders.
They forget about me. And I did what
I must to survive. You understand?
What do I understand?
I've been an agent for a week.
But my boss needs to know
what we know now.
! Okay?
! Okay.
The submarine's purpose is to deploy
a nerve agent called Silent Night.
It's been missing since
the Soviet Union's collapse in '91.
It can kill millions.
We knew they were up to something.
You found out.
! That's excellent work, Triple X.
! There was never a sweeper team.
If I said don't jump off
the Empire State Building...
! You're right. I'd definitely do it.
! I inspired you.
I'm an authority figure,
that's what I'm supposed to do.
Look, my men are on this now.
! It's time for you to come home.
! What about Yelena?
I'm not authorized to give her asylum.
But I promise it'll be done
by the time you get here.
Come home, Xander. That's an order.