- Have you asked her out yet?
- Not yet. But don't rush me.
The clock's ticking. What about tonight?
It's a school night. I got homework.
- What's the problem?
- Nothing, but Natalie's a brain.
All those AP classes.
My workload's insane.
- This mission depends on you.
- I know, but...
Come on. Tonight I had to do
two chapters of trigonometry.
Plus an essay on Henry V,
not to mention my chores.
- Of course, if I had a little help...
- I can't believe this.
All right... The agency will take care
of your chores and your homework.
You focus on the girl.
Teams A and B commence
domestic sanitation.
Team three, I need a new sponge. Repeat,
need a new sponge, over.
You missed a spot.
Negative, negative.
Stand by, flannel only...
Which one would you prefer -
this one or this one?
- I like this myself.
- Good choice.
We have dust bunnies
on the second floor.