He's in every single one of my classes.
His moves are straight out of
the CIA handbook.
I thought we got rid
of the CIA with Bolivar.
Now they've sent a kid.
Very impressive. Commence the E.R.I.S.
child recruitment campaign immediately.
I've never been so good with kids.
I've noticed. We've gotta get out of here
immediately. Grab Connors.
But I did a really good job.
They can't pull me off this mission.
Secret Agent Cody Banks.
You've made the school newspaper.
I think it's safe to say
you've blown your cover.
We'll take it from here.
You'll stay at Donovan for two weeks
and you will stay away
from Natalie Connors.
I can't. I can't do that. She trusts me.
You can and you will.
It's your job. You knew that
when you picked this career.
I didn't pick this career. It picked me.
I subscribe to a few spy magazines
and surf the net for some cool sites.
The next thing I know,
I'm at a CIA summer camp. I was 13.
And now you're old enough
to know the rules.
- Will the owner of the Aston Martin...?
- Here. This is for good luck.
You might still be in danger.
We'll keep an eye on you.
To keep me safe
or to keep me from Natalie?