and you will stay away
from Natalie Connors.
I can't. I can't do that. She trusts me.
You can and you will.
It's your job. You knew that
when you picked this career.
I didn't pick this career. It picked me.
I subscribe to a few spy magazines
and surf the net for some cool sites.
The next thing I know,
I'm at a CIA summer camp. I was 13.
And now you're old enough
to know the rules.
- Will the owner of the Aston Martin...?
- Here. This is for good luck.
You might still be in danger.
We'll keep an eye on you.
To keep me safe
or to keep me from Natalie?
Dr. Connors, why is there a slowdown?
We supply every piece
of equipment you ask for.
You have absolutely, unequivocally
run out of excuses.
- What's the problem?
- I will not use science
to destroy the world.
You pompous, know-all little nerd.
François, I think he needs
a little motivation.
I'll get it.
Hi, Mr. And Mrs. Banks.
Hi, nice to meet you.