You want "him"?
She wants Cody.
Quiet! Or you'll all be in trouble.
- You, come with me.
- Why?
I wanna be in trouble.
Well, since you're on the business
of taking towels, take mine too.
Could you hold this, please? Thank you.
I really hate it...
when people talk back!
Thank you. Let's go.
Who are you? What did I do?
Mary had a little lamb,
its fleece as white as snow.
Peter Piper picked a peck
of pickled peppers?
- Bubble gum, bubble gum, in a dish.
- How many pieces do you wish?
This is what happens when you design
a code book in summer camp.
So, I'm being called up?
My country needs me?
- Yep.
- Where are we going? The Middle East?
Russia? China?
Downtown Seattle.
I'm in. My first mission!
- Didn't think it would happen this soon?
- Plus I didn't think my partner would...
Let's get one thing straight.
I am not your partner.
I'm your handler.
Like in the zoo.
You will speak only when spoken to.
You will follow orders without question.