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I deliver perfection...and don't brag about it! :D
- Morning.- Morning.
Hey, Dad, we have to discussmy allowance. I need a raise.
Buying a girl gummi bearswon't close the deal.
- Like you'd know.- Alex.
But, Mom, Cody's almost 16and I've had twice as many dates as him.
- Sitting in a tree house isn't a date.- It is when you're playing doctor.
You smell good. Did you shave?
- Do your chores.- I'll do them later.
Those poor guinea pigs have beensitting in excrement for days.
Alex, you play with them more than I do.Let's trade. I'll mow the lawn three times.
No way. Just cos I'm ten doesn't mean I'man idiot. I know what "excrement" means.
Alex! We're eating here.