Hi, Natalie. It's Cody. I was just wondering
what you were doing this Saturday.
Hello? Who is this?
This mission is screwed.
We spent $10 million training this kid, and
we did not teach him how to talk to a girl?
Sir, I assure you, we had no idea.
- You're shy?
- Cody's a little delicate.
My mother's ceramic cat collection
is delicate. This is national security!
I'm sorry.
I've got reports from the training camp.
You bragged about having lots of girls!
It was camp! I exaggerated.
Everyone does.
OK. So...
What is the truth?
Well, when it comes to girls,
I suck.
Ronica, you met my dad.
Well, I'm his son.
Ladies and gentlemen, somebody has
gotta teach this kid how to talk to a girl!
I understand you're havin'
a problem with women,
so I've assembled a team of experts here
to sorta help you along
from the point of contact to the point
of closure. You gotta close, Cody.
Any species is predicated upon mating.
The males and the females must couple,
or the animal will die off.
- I'm just tryin' to get a first date.
- Let me tell you how the hyena does it.
- You see this thing here?
- There's a lot of laughing involved.
It makes you want to give the Good Lord
a standing ovation. You wanna go...