- I told you no ice. Here.
- I'm sorry, sir.
You never know how long it's been
in the freezer. It could be filled with crap.
This is Dr Albert Connors, the world's
foremost expert in nanotechnology.
Microscopic robots.
These robots could be programmed
to destroy our most vital communication
and military infrastructure.
I'm talking missile-guidance systems,
boats, tanks, planes, biological...
We get the point. Before we lost contact,
Agent Bolivar confirmed that
Connors is working with ERIS.
This is probably my last transmission.
I think they're on to me.
Don't send any more agents.
Everyone has been compromised.
I'm gonna transmit images now. This is
yesterday at the ERIS Covert Conference,
where Dr Connors demonstrated
his latest advancements.
And this is Dr Brinkman, head of ERIS.
And this, François Molay, his henchman.
As far as I understand it, they plan to...
We need to know what they're planning.
But Connors is very reclusive, secretive.
After his wife died two years ago,
Connors dropped out of public view.
His only contact with the outside world
is through his daughter Natalie.
I want to get close to this girl.
McAIlister, brief the staff
on the Agent Development Program.
Under the guise of a summer camp for the
brightest and best, we began to recruit.
Welcome to the
Agent Development Program.
Since 1987, under secrecy, the CIA has
recruited juvenile agents the nation over.