where Dr Connors demonstrated
his latest advancements.
And this is Dr Brinkman, head of ERIS.
And this, François Molay, his henchman.
As far as I understand it, they plan to...
We need to know what they're planning.
But Connors is very reclusive, secretive.
After his wife died two years ago,
Connors dropped out of public view.
His only contact with the outside world
is through his daughter Natalie.
I want to get close to this girl.
McAIlister, brief the staff
on the Agent Development Program.
Under the guise of a summer camp for the
brightest and best, we began to recruit.
Welcome to the
Agent Development Program.
Since 1987, under secrecy, the CIA has
recruited juvenile agents the nation over.
As soon as we received word
that a candidate had been spotted,
we brought them into our facilities
under the guise of summer camps.
And their parents had no idea
of their real activities.
There they were trained in defence,
navigation and explosives diffusion.
Our juvenile agents
are stationed all over the nation.
They meticulously maintain
the façades of normal childhoods
as they await their call for duty.
Wait. You're telling me
we're training children to become agents?
Teenagers! Let's be clear. The clock is
ticking. This may be our last, best chance.
- These kids operate alone?
- Of course not. That'd be irresponsible.
One of our most impressive agents
lives not far from Natalie Connors.
Smart, resourceful,
and, according to my reports,
he's quite a lady-killer.