- Why? Is he busy with something?
- Yeah.
He's always doing some experiment.
- Like a scientific experiment?
- Yeah, he's a scientist.
Cool. With microscopes?
You're getting weird again.
Good afternoon, children.
Driving is a privilege, not a right.
I'll be delighted to instruct you
in the operation of motor vehicle.
But I have a larger responsibility
to protect society at large
from the idiots
and the drug-addled delinquents
who call themselves the youth of today.
Your name Miss Connors? Yeah?
You're first! Go, go, go, go, go, go, go!
Wait! Look left. Look right.
You didn't turn on your blink.
I've never seen...
This is your left. That is right.
No. No, no, no. Get out of the driver's seat.
OK, but I...
One grandma. Multiple cones, three kerbs.
- Who can drive with you screaming?
- You fail, fail, fail!
- No. I need to get my licence!
- Next!
Damn. The floor mat isn't straight.
- All ready.
- Good.
Why are you doing that? Don't...