And we'll help.
We've placed you in all her classes.
All of them? Isn't that a little creepy?
We're the CIA.
That's what we do. Right?
you want me to become her boyfriend?
Cody, the plan is simple.
She has a birthday coming up.
Her father's throwing her a party.
The first step is to get yourself
invited to that party.
And be careful. This is not
secret agent Little League any more.
This is the show, Mr Banks.
And this is showtime.
Now, if you can't handle it,
you just tell me now.
You can count on me.
Oh, yes.
Attention. Rocket launch test.
Don't touch anything.
Five, four, three,
two, one.
Mr Banks. Come see me, son.
I've prepared a number of dope items
which I think you're gonna be down with.
This item here is equipped with a virtual
telephoto lens and low penetration x-ray.
Gimme that!
This is your cellphone. It's
a state-of-the-art mobile command centre
with a holographic audiovisual display
and a personal GPS transceiver.
Now, this is a CIA get-outta-trouble watch.
See this silver button?
Be very careful with this little silver
button, cos it'll just make people go...