What was that?
One more time. I didn't get it.
I don't even want to know.
All right, let's wrap this up.
$5,000 cash.
What for?
I think they buy things with it,
I believe.
OK. That's it. Thanks for comin'.
- Wait. I think we're forgetting something.
- Oh, no. I'm not forgettin' anything.
- What about those wheels?
- No, Cody, you don't need to drive.
- I need to impress the girls.
- OK. Well, then we got you fixed up.
Look at this. Hm?
This thing is really full of surprises.
- Fine.
- I think you're gonna impress the girls.
Oh, yeah.
- Good luck.
- Thanks!
- You're transferring to a prep school?
- Yep.
I got a scholarship
to Donovan Prep Academy.
A scholarship? Hold on.
When did you apply?
Did I sign something?
Yeah. A few months ago.
It's always been my dream to go there.
It has? But what about your friends?
- I'll make new ones.
- With all those spoiled brats?
And why would they want "you"?
Diversity. At least five per cent
of the students have to be normal.
I don't know about this. In fact,
I wanna make something very clear.
I am not agreeing to anything
until I meet a school administrator.
- Mr Banks?
- Yes.
I'm from the William Donovan
Preparatory Academy.
I'm an administrator from the school.
"Agent"... Banks.
I heard you really "closed the deal" with
Amy. Maybe you should try gummi bears.