You've got some catching up to do.
Hey, a soccer player?
Sure. MSV Junior League.
I was top scorer in 1994.
Very good. A winner!
-I like to have winners in my group.
-Working with Charles makes you one!
Here comes Svenni Pooh.
Hello, Pooh Bear!
Come on!
Hagen, run with me in front?
You wanna be in the group?
They've written me off already?
-I'm not pushing you out?
-No, you want a career.
Like Benny. Early test phase.
"Sacrifice to science." Right.
The junkie who killed himself?
That does suck.
But you don't have to worry about me.
You trying to get me off the project?
We have to talk.
It's important. You're in danger.
We're all in danger. Benny didn't
kill himself. Somebody killed him.
Hey, Svenni, what's up?
-Where are we going?
-You okay?
Sure. Where we going?
Hey, Manni...
Hey, Manni...
why did they take away
your bronchial irrigation?
I thought you were destined for
bigger things than ordinary patients.
-Why did you label him as terminal?
-We have rules here.
I'm not accusing LaRousse, but...
-unethical tests are no petty crime.
-It's unfair! Manni's not--
-Muller-LaRousse has privileges--
-He has no chance!
If it goes wrong,
he's finished, and so are you!
Are you listening? He's so young!