Anything Else

- Oh, yeah?
- Yeah.

l'm telling you this as a friend.
You're starting to happen a little bit.

You don't need a character
like this representing you.

Thanks. l'll certainly think about it.
- How's your girlfriend?
- Amanda? She's good.

She's studying
acting and singing.

Promise me one thing.
You guys ever break up,
you give me her number.

Just kidding.
Except l'm deadly serious.

We're not breaking up.
- Good to see you.
- Story of my life. Bye, Jerry!

Sorry l'm late.
l thought l'd be late.
My mom had a gallbladder attack.

So, you want to discuss...?
No big deal.
l'll get it out of the way

then we can eat
and enjoy the meal.

A coffee, please.
l'm fine.
our original contract
was for three years.

lt's almost up.
lt's up in a few months.

My game plan for you
is going perfectly.

A lot of people laughed at me
when l said l only wanted one client.

And a kid, too!
lt's like a clothing store
that specializes in
quality rather than quantity.

All the other managers in town,
even my own family

predicted that you would dump me
if you made it big on my efforts.

l said, ''You do not know Jerry Falk.''
''Jerry Falk and l have
a special relationship.

''lt goes way beyond the contract.
''We are very close.
''l was at his wedding.
l bought him a toaster.

''We are this close.
l've done things for him

''you couldn't even write
into a contract.''

[tapping table]
