You'd be
So easy to love
So easy to ldollze
All others above
So worth the yearnlng for
So swell to keepEvery home flre burnlng for
We'd be
So grand at the game
So carefree togetherThat lt
Does seem a shame
That you can't see
Your future wlth me
'Cause you'd beOh-so-easy to love
There's great wisdom in jokes, Falk, really.
There's an old jokeabout a prizefighter in the ring.
He's getting his brains beat out.
And his mother's in the audience,and she's watching him getting beaten up.
There's a priest next to herand she says, ''Father, pray for him.''
And the priest says, ''l will,but if he could punch, it would help.''
There's more insight in thatjoke,
into what l call the Giant So What
than most books on philosophy.
Camus said that women are allthat we're ever going to know
of paradise on earth.
ln your case, Falk,there is a seminal joke
that Henny Youngman used to tellthat l think is perfect.
lt sums it up perfectlyas far as you go.
Guy comes into a doctor's office.
He says, ''Doc, it hurts when l do this.''
The doctor says, ''Don't do it.''
Think about that.
That's Davld Dobel,and l'm Jerry Falk.