Anything Else

And l said, ''Nothing!''
He said, ''l'll have to
give you medication.''

l said, ''l don't want medication!
l want the girl!''

And he said,
''We have to work this through.''

So, l took a fire extinguisher
from the casement

and struck him across
the back of his neck.

And before l knew it,
guys from Con Ed

had jumper cables in my head
and the rest was...

Why are you in analysis?
You're afraid to sleep alone.
What else?

Fear of death.
That's funny. l have that, too!
My dog has it.

lt's very common to living creatures.
And l have rough patches
with my girlfriend.

- You have a girlfriend?
- l am deeply in love.

Yes, with the most beautiful,
charming, sexy...

- But there are rough patches.
- We'll get through them.

But there are painful conflicts.
She can be difficult.
But you'd love her. She's a knockout.

- A knockout, but impossible.
- l never said impossible.

- You did!
- Difficult. She can be difficult.

Now she's difficult.
Soon, she'll be impossible.

She's very supportive of my goals.
What are these goals?

l want to write a novel.
A novel about man's fate
in the empty universe.

No god, no hope, just human suffering
and loneliness.

Stick to jokes, that's where the money is.
Want a lift?

No, l'm okay.
l'm meeting my girlfriend.

Today is our anniversary.
You know, maybe next week,
if you'd like,

we could drive out to watch
that intellectual comedian

parade his amphigories for us.
Sure. That'd be great.
lt's funny. l was once in a cab...
this was years ago.

And l was pouring my heart out
to the driver

about all the stuff
you were prattling on about...

life, death, the empty universe,
