Anything Else

That's because it's too crowded.
[phone ringing]

Meaning what?
You want me on a park bench?

Don't be so dramatic.
All l want out is this stupid rifle.

Are you going to help me?
l live to serve.
Make your wishes known.

- Pivot. Pivot.
- Hello.

Did l get you at a bad time?
l just want to set the date
for the end of the week for lunch.

How's Friday?
Hold on one second, Harvey.

l have steamers in the fridge
from a week ago Sunday. You hungry?

No. l make it a practice
never to ingest bivalves

that have been dead more than 72 hours.
Christ, l need a drink.
This room just isn't right.

What are these?
[Amanda:] Water-purifying tablets.
What for?
ls the plumbing backed up?

Thursday's better.
What do you want to talk about?

The who, the what and the wherefore.
Thursday, lsabella's, at noon.

- Right. Bye.
- [Paula:] No, you're doing it.

- Just pivot it.
- What's happening here?

l have it under control.
Nothing that can't be done

with 12 stevedores and some oxen.
- Paula, where do you want this?
- Against the wall.

- l'll help you do it.
- Sir, would you take this?

Mom, here you go.
[glass shatters]

[Paula:] Jesus, what a butterfingers!
Watch your hands
when you pick these up.

- [Amanda:] These things happen.
- This can be glued.

l don't understand why those people
could leave the room

after the dinner party
and go home.

- What'd you think?
- lt was great.

Yeah, l agree.
Listen, l'm sorry about my mother.
- l know she's been out of control.
- Don't worry about it.

She is a little tough,
but nevertheless, l will gladly
help her with her singing act.

You are a sweetheart.
l don't know what l'd do without you.

l've got a great idea.
lnstead of going home,
let's check into a hotel.
