You've got to come and
eat at the restaurant.
- We can go see Maria.
- Yes.
- You can't leave yet. Stop.
- I'm off tomorrow.
- Mother is expecting me.
- Want me to call her?
- She'll be fine without you.
- Thanks.
This sort of thing
needs to be planned.
That's right.
Now it's been planned.
Be nice to your Dad.
Thank you for coming.
When things are planned,
they're planned. Right?
- Give my regards to Maria.
- I will. Take care.
But I can't really...
If I did love you
in my master's flame...
... In your denial I would find
no sense. I would not understand it.
- What would you do?
- Make a willow cabin at your gate.
And call upon my soul
within the house.
Do you have to wave your arms
around all the time?
But I'm getting into the role.
And make all the babbling gossip
of the air cry out Olivia!
And make all the babbling gossip
of the air cry out Olivia!
Okay, "what is my parentage?"