Ever since I walked
into your house,
I've been crying.
I cry for hours on end,
I don't know why.
The funniest story is...
there was one week
during all that depression,
one week that
I suddenly realized.
I was sure I was in love
with you, and all the pain
was because we're
not together.
You're laughing, but
that's the way it was.
Everything's so weird
and over-the-top with you.
I walked around
as if I was in love.
Now we know it's nonsense,
but it was really as if
I was in love with you, Nina.
How did Lihi...
Lihi's amazing.
She knew straight away
that it was an oedipal thing,
that I see my mother in you
and wanted to save her
from the loss of my father.
It sounds like...
She's smart.
- She's amazing, she's wonderful.
- She's talented too.
I hope it's okay
I'm telling you all this.
Is it okay?
It's fine.
It's just kind of weird.
I'm sure I'll sit at home
and wonder about all this.
You keep saying weird.
Do I seem weird to you?
It seems weird to me, yes.