We'll meet Miguel at
the same place as we did before.
La Boca.
-No way.
-Why? Why not?
Because I said no.
We'll meet at the coffee shop...
directly behind my hotel,
two streets over.
With or without Miguel.
Did Miguel talk to you already?
They're back.
I'm ahead of you.
I saw them drive up yesterday.
-I was there.
What about Manas? Where is he?
Does he know about this?
I'm not absolutely sure,
but our sources told us...
What sources?
You don't tell me your name...
and I'm going to tell you
my sources?
Here comes this guy. Sit.
Sorry I'm late.
Now, this is what we do--
Wait, wait.
When do I whack this guy out?
When do we make this visit?
That's what
I'm going to tell you.
You will not visit
the man in the courtylard today.
Today, we'll let him settle in.
I checked the weather report.
the conditions are perfect.
So, tomorrow,
6:00 p.m. in the evening...
then we'll pay him a visit.
Wait. I'll be the one doing it.
Is that right?
I'm sorry, yes.
You will pay him a visit.