it's not for
the American people to say.
Yeah, right.
But when you're dealing
with children...
They have a tender sensibility.
And you are in a position
of trust.
I think perhaps someone who has
screaming orgasms
with large women shouldn't...
Of course,
I can't fire him for that.
Oh, yeah.
Unfair practices.
Special pleading.
Bitch, bitch, bitch.
Fucking broads.
But I just can't help it.
There's something about the guy
that makes me uneasy.
Well, sure.
Santa fucking someone
in the ass.
Maybe there's something
I could fire him for.
Yeah, I get you.
Do you?
Do you think
you could find something?
Shit, yeah.
There's always something.
Hey, Opal.
Come here.
Screw you, Willie,
your kinky ass.
Last time I didn't shit right
for a week.
No, it's not that.
I need to talk to you.
I'm just tired of you, Willie.
Who the fuck is in my room?
Did you see somebody
go in my room?
Some guy asking about you.
Looked like a cop.
Oh, shit.
Marcus, it's Willie.
I just got back to the motel.
Some guy is nosing around
in my room.