which l think you should see.
Sweetheart, are you sure you
know what you're doing?
Yes, l do.
And before you say anything,
l've spoken
to all the relevant relief
organizations and embassies,
and with 40,000 pounds...
40,000 pounds?
What are you talking about?
Where are you going
to find 40,000...?
...and supplies from surplus
regions in Southern Sudan.
And from there,
l transport them to Tigre.
l've cleared out my savings,
l'm still short about 8,000.
But, Sarah, this isn't
how it's done.
You don't go...
Henry, Henry.
l've made up my mind.
Well, then send the money,
do charitable work, whatever,
but don't go roaring off
to some godforsaken hole
in Africa
just to salve your conscience.
lt's just too...
Too what?
Well, it's not the most
grown-up way to deal with
this situation.
Well, maybe l don't want
to grow up.
lf that's what you want,
-lt is.
-then fine.
l'll help you find the money.
Thank you.
l'll talk to Dad.
He knows everybody.
Mind you, Ethiopia is a bit...
lt'll be fine.
lt'll be fine.
We'll find the money.
Come with me.
Honey, even if l could...
You can't?
No, it's not that.
You know me, l'm not made
for that kind of thing.
l'm a city boy. l need
four walls and a bed.
Besides, l've got meetings
up to here
for the next month.
You should go.
You've got the right attitude.
Listen, l know this sounds
like Little Miss Bleeding Heart
and all that...
l just, l don't care.
l know l'm being crazy
and driving you crazy,
and of course l understand
you can't come, but...
you meet me off the plane?
You meet me off the plane?
Of course l'll meet
you off the plane.