Thank you.
l'll talk to Dad.
He knows everybody.
Mind you, Ethiopia is a bit...
lt'll be fine.
lt'll be fine.
We'll find the money.
Come with me.
Honey, even if l could...
You can't?
No, it's not that.
You know me, l'm not made
for that kind of thing.
l'm a city boy. l need
four walls and a bed.
Besides, l've got meetings
up to here
for the next month.
You should go.
You've got the right attitude.
Listen, l know this sounds
like Little Miss Bleeding Heart
and all that...
l just, l don't care.
l know l'm being crazy
and driving you crazy,
and of course l understand
you can't come, but...
you meet me off the plane?
You meet me off the plane?
Of course l'll meet
you off the plane.