Go ahead and show.
Come on, baby, I got three dollars.
Shoot, I'll give you a $1 0 bill right there.
Look at that.
Get four, 35 and a half.
What do you bid now? Five.
What do you bid now? Five and a half.
What do you bid now? Five.
All right. By God,
you done made almost $60.
You got any more rooms with women
dipped in chocolate sauce like that one?
Do you have an opening
as a towel boy here?
What's she doing?
I believe you're doing it wrong. Hold on,
you go like this. You kind of hit on them.
That's nice. Do you like that? See.
-I love that.
-Now, that's how you give a massage.
Make sure you hit her hind end a couple
of times, like Wipeout or something.
Okay, this feels really funky.
Hey, what kind of joint
you running in here?
There's nothing like a single-malt Scotch
at 1 0 in the morning with a little mud rub.
That's what keeps me going.
Hey-- Oh, God!
Hey, Ron!
Hey, Ron, I bet you look like
the monster from the Black Lagoon!
Shut up! I'm doing pretty good in here.
So I say we get naked and throw ice
at each other. What do you think?
-Hey, Larry?
-Over here!
Just remember, when you gotta go
to the bathroom, get out of the tub!
Too late!
-I'm starting to feel a lot better.
-Oh, my God.
I feel like a new man.
Ladies and gentleman, please welcome
a native of Winslow, Arizona...
...a very funny man, Mr. Bill Engvall!
What' s up?
It is great to be here tonight.
In fact, it' s just great to be
out of the house.