Sex changes when you stay married
for a long time.
I think it has to because
things advance, you know?
One night, my wife and I had
a little interlude, and it was hot.
I mean hot, hot, hot!
She's arching her back and moaning,
and I said, "Yes, ma'am.
You are welcome."
I said, "I'm really turning you on, huh? "
She goes, "No, you're on my hair! Get off!"
You never see that in the movies.
Do you, ladies?
I hate love scenes in movies. They're
not real. Show me a real love scene.
Show me a couple in bed, and their dogs
are watching them at the edge of the bed.
That's real, my friends.
You're trying to throw down
your best moves...
...and there's these eyes
at the edge of the bed, just like:
"Nice move there, Bill.
Jeez, don't that hurt your back? "
I take my wife's bra off
and throw it across the room.
Dogs bring it back.
I can always tell when I'm doing good
because the dog growls.
"She's loving this."
You ever get that cold nose?
But you gotta be able to laugh.
That's what's important.
Three years ago on my wife's birthday,
I had it planned to the tee:
A bottle of champagne
chilled by the bed...
...candles on the headboard, some soft
music playing, and we just got into it.
Just that hot pig sex, all right?
You're not even talking.
You're just rooting around, baby.
But we forgot about the candles
on the headboard.
I'm lying on my back. Apparently,
that headboard was doing a little moving.
Because all of a sudden,
hot wax just goes:
And my wife goes, "Yes, sir.