Is this not the stupidest thing
you've ever heard in your life?
My wife ate two hamburgers...
...initiate a bag
of potato chips.
And last but not least: "with you, did you."
With you, did you.
You didn't bring your truck with you,
did you?
Somebody will be using
"with you, did you" tomorrow.
I always felt like you couldn't talk
about rednecks unless you are one...
...and I are one.
Growing up,
I didn't know that's what I was.
Now, looking back, it was so obvious.
I'm not making this up.
My entire childhood, our mailbox...
...had the letters m-a-l-e
painted on the side of it.
By the time I was in the 1 1 th grade,
I was like, "That ain't right.
That M is supposed
to be capitalized, isn't it? "
That is a true story. When I was in
the 3rd grade, my uncle did that as a joke.
And nobody got it.
Not only am I a redneck,
I married into a special breed of them.
My wife and her entire family
are from the great state of Louisiana.
We were down there
about six or seven months ago.
My wife's cousin got married
in Baton Rouge. We went for the wedding.
We had my wife's
entire family together...
...for the rehearsal dinner at Hooters.
If I'm lying, I'm dying.