Okay, everyone.
Change partners.
Cha, cha, cha, cha, cha.
We meet again, "chêrie".
I hope that 's your belt buckle
I feel back there.
You know, from the moment
we met, I felt there was...
...an electrical charge between us.
- I think your pacemaker shortened out.
How did you know
I like to be humiliated?
Look, Lloyd, you're barking up
the wrong tree here.
I know.
- You want to lead.
- Lloyd, I'm not...
That 's alright. I'm a patient man.
I can wait.
I'm also very rich.
You know,
I'd like to spoil you, Nick.
Take you to places
you've never been.
Show you things you've never seen.
I'd like to...
That 's it.
You know, you're
a really good dance teacher.
Really? It 's fun to
teach a class like this.
I always felt too self-conscious
to really...
...cut loose, you know?
- We have a revue here on board.
It 's like an amateur night thing.
- You think you'd be interested?
- Too public.
- I'm more of a closet dancer.
- That 's a shame.
- Because I'm the choreographer.
- Really?
Well, for you,
I might just waltz out of the closet.
- You know... it 's strange.
- What 's that?
The way you stare at me sometimes.
The way you touch me like that,
you know?
It 's exactly the way
a straight guy would.