They can spend the week
with me.
They are gonna be
so disappointed.
I can't talk to you right now.
[ Beeps ]
Um...Daddy can't take you
to Hawaii.
[ Sarcastically ]
Oh, darn.
He always does this.
[ Sniffs ]
Sanderson, party of two.
Oh, you're the last
to arrive.
How long has she been here?
Mmm, about 20 minutes.
Was she trouble?
[ Laughs nervously ]
Thank you.
I'm Peter Sanderson.
Well, I'm glad
they didn't send a child.
I told them I specifically
wanted someone my own age.
What a wonderful
French bulldog.
My mother had one.
They make great companions.
-[ Barks, growls ]
-What's her name?
His name is
William Shakespeare.
Well, of course.
Now, I've heard about
your unfortunate escapade.
I don't have escapades.
Fiasco with your
previous attorney.
The man was
a thieving criminal.
Just because I have
a lot of money
doesn't give people
the right to overcharge.
I do not enjoy
being taken advantage of.
Which is why our service
is free of charge.
After all, you worked hard
for your money.
I'm an heiress.
An heiress who worked hard
to keep her money.
Now, shall we get down
to business?
So, now you may hand over
your proposal.
I'll take it with me.
Well, I was expecting
to meet with you tomorrow.
I was assured
the proposal would be ready