Now I'm gonna go on down
to the pool with the child'n.
Maybe we make fun of the white
folks again, huh, kids?
Oh, the kids just love her.
-What a sense of humor.
Peter, I'm going to hang
by the pool.
If you need me,
that's where I'll be.
Mrs. Arness.
Uh, right this way,
Mrs. Arness.
Come, William.
You have the papers?
Oh, yes, yes, I do.
Strange clothes for a nanny.
Well, it's a fashion to kids.
-William, mind.
Hello, Sanderson family!
[ Laughs ]
don't forget poker night!
I won't.
How could I forget
poker night?
[ Laughs ]
[ Frogs croaking ]
I propose a toast.
[ lnhales deeply ]
To us.
May we always --
[ Cellphone ringing ]
-Sorry. It's mine.
Oh, you're not gonna
answer that, are you?
Well, it might be --
might be one of my kids.
Just one minute.
[ Ringing continues ]
[ Beeps ]
Hey, it's me.
Oh, hi, Ashley.
Everything okay?
[ Exhales deeply ]
I don't know.
I saw Peter hanging out
at the club today.
He was mingling with
a large black woman.
What? What are you
talking about?
He said it was his nanny.
She didn't look like any nanny
I'd ever seen.
She was all...
tattooed and welfarish.