Well, I think it's a great idea.
- You weren't concentrating, were you?
- I was.
We're going to raise money for
the hospital, to buy a sofa in John's name.
By posing for a nude calendar.
Oh, no.
Oh, sit down. I'm not asking you
to straddle a Harley-Davidson.
It's still a bit of a leap
from Burnsall Church.
Yes, but that's the whole point. You see,
like, it's an alternative calendar. It's...
- It's what John suggested.
- Did he?
"The last stage of the flower
is the most glorious."
So what this calendar would be saying
is "Yes, John, actually. We agree."
With respect, I didn't hear him
use the phrase "whip your bras off".
It's £999 in the leather, that sofa.
Can I remind you how much
last year's calendar raised?
- Are you havin' it?
- We're havin' it, all right.
Come on.
Yeah, we'll get back to you, thank you.
(Jem) She's...
I don't know. She's being weird.
Normal weird, or weird weird?
- She found this.
- You're kidding? Big Bazookas?
- I saw her looking at it.
- God, I bet she went off her head.
My mum did when she found
me Rubber Housewives.
It's a difficult age.
Round about now,
women go through a difficult age,
when they get all irrational and odd
and difficult to predict.
- How do you know?
- Me dad told me.
- Right.
- No.
I've got to go, anyway.
Eddie's getting back from llkley.
Nobody's going to see anything,
I promise you. You take the picture.
I'm not quite sure how to...