Keep the penny. Thank you.
- I'm surprised they printed it.
- It's probably on the Internet by now.
By the sound of it,
most people have seen it already.
For God's sake. I mean,
lots of people have their photos taken
with their tops off
on holiday in lbiza, don't they?
I think it just probably
came as a slight shock,
what with the previous 15 photos
being of flower arrangements.
I've screwed up a-bloody-gain,
haven't I? Yet a-bloody-gain.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Look, what we have to
ask ourselves here is this.
What is the difference
between this and the Venus de Milo?
Oh, I love quizzes.
- The cooker?
- Celia.
Both feature women
with their breasts exposed.
What makes one a work of art?
I think the answer to that's
very simple. An artist.
She's clever.
An artist.
She's lovely.
A lovely light you've used on the face there.
Got her eyes, didn't he?
And all those curls.
So, have you photographed
many humans, or is it mainly...
It is mainly poodles.
The blood represents globalisation
and the sheep's skull
is the death of democracy.
- And the carrot?
- The carrot is capitalism.
Mainly orchids. I'm particularly
interested in woodland orchids.
And butterflies.
I love photographing native butterflies.