- Well, we'll just...
- Do what, Ruth? Please tell me.
Seeing as 500 calendars
are being printed as we speak.
If we can't use the name
Women's Institute, we just don't use it.
If it's not the Women's Institute,
it's just a load of middle-aged women
mysteriously standing naked
behind fruitcakes.
Oh, my God!
It would look like pornography!
But I don't know what's on the order form.
It's under the tin can
where the bent nail used to be.
You're gonna have to sort this one out
on your own, sweetheart.
Why? Where the hell are you?
Tell you later. I'll be back tonight
for the press conference. Bye!
Oh, uh, Chris Harper and Annie Clarke
from Knapely to see Brenda Mooney.
- Are you official delegates?
- Yes, from Knapely.
- Yes, from Knapely.
- And you're here to do an open spot?
- Right. Follow me.
- We're in.
- What's an open spot? Sounds painful.
- I don't know.
- Very last minute. Go on straight away.
- On where?
Don't know.
- Which WI are you?
- We're from Knapely.
There are lots of them.
Um, Brenda...
Sorry. Madam Chairperson...
- "Conference" please.
- Sorry? I beg your pardon?
Address the whole conference, please.
Go on. You can do it.
The final open spot of the morning
is the delegate from Knappely.
- Knapely.
- Knapely.