- Right. Follow me.
- We're in.
- What's an open spot? Sounds painful.
- I don't know.
- Very last minute. Go on straight away.
- On where?
Don't know.
- Which WI are you?
- We're from Knapely.
There are lots of them.
Um, Brenda...
Sorry. Madam Chairperson...
- "Conference" please.
- Sorry? I beg your pardon?
Address the whole conference, please.
Go on. You can do it.
The final open spot of the morning
is the delegate from Knappely.
- Knapely.
- Knapely.
We wanted to come to ask approval from...
well, from you all.
We want to do a WI calendar
which raises enough money to buy, um...
a chair or a seat, a sofa, or...
well, anything, really...
OK, so, the thing is here,
is that the hospital local to us in Knapely
is where my John...