He also have a daughter...
He must have a daughter. Ganga
One minute
That girl is only eight years old...
Oh Sorry...
Eight years old...
No No, mine is elder...
She must be elder...
There is one more Chopra...
Who have only one daughter
But she lives in Australia with her aunt
That will be fine...
Priya also lives with her aunt...
Then tell her aunt's name...
Oh yes... Aunt's name is...!
l don't know her name...
don't know...?
He don't know anything...
How can we find her...
Brother Raj, what we will do now
He also don't know, say something
What we will do...
Whoever say anything...
But l know my fate...
l can find her...
Aunt or...
No aunt...
How will he find her?
No Name, no address,
l also told him that...
How will he find her,
in air?